Our operations are in Finnish

In scouting, there are three different membership categories that determine the membership fee:

  • 102.50 € Member 1 is the first or only member of the household participating in scout activities and all scouts over 17 years old.
  • 94.50 € Member 2 includes the other scouts under 17 years old in the same household.
  • 50.25 € Member 3 consists of scouts aged 4–6 who participate in family scouting together with a paying guardian or relative.


Karhunvartijat offers engaging
activities for all ages!

Scouting offers learning of new skills, games, outings, and camps, as well as
friendships that can last a lifetime. Or how about practicing crafts or woodwork,
abseiling from a water tower, singing karaoke in the sauna, running in the forest
in scout competitions, and training younger members the skills of scouting? 

Everything is possible in Guiding and Scouting

Karhunvartijat, founded in 1986, is a nature-inspired scout troop located in Kivenlahti, Espoo, right next to the new metro station (Merivalkama 4 F, 02320 Espoo). We also organize activities in Saunalahti at the Saunalahti school (Brinkinmäentie 1, 02330 Espoo). 

There’s room for new scouts during our activity season 2023-2024, both children and adults. There’s particularly room in the groups for children born between 2010 and 2012. 

Guiding and Scouting is a wonderful means of learning new things about nature, yourself, other people and your own living environment. You get to pick up new things by doing them yourself instead of reading about them in books. Scouting is all about doing things together: hiking, skiing, canoeingg, sailing, practising first aid, making crafts and honing your woodcraft skills in the great outdoors. Scouting is a hobby where each individual can truly make a difference!

Scouting is about doing things together

Experiences in nature, equality, and trust in young abilities are at the core of our scouting movement – regardless of age, you are welcome to join our joyful community! 

Guides and Scouts operate in local groups (”lippukunta” in Finnish), which are situated around the country. The local groups are communities of children, youths and adults that work together to plan and implement various kinds of Guiding and Scouting activities. The different age groups within the local groups usually meet once a week at their designated premises. The children’s groups are led by adults, but in the youth groups, the leaders are only a few years older than the group members. The local group itself is led by an adult with the help of a number of willing youths and adults. Every group leader is trained for his or her tasks.

How to join the scouts?

All children from the age of 7, youngsters or adults can become scouts or guides!

If you want to join us, don’t hesitate to be in contact: kavalaiseksi@karhunvartijat.net.

Join us now!